1 sense
sense [sens]1. nouna. ( = faculty) sens m• sense of hearing ouïe f• sense of smell odorat m• sense of sight vue f• sense of taste goût mb. ( = awareness) sens mc. ( = feeling) sentiment md. ( = good sense) bon sens m• they should have more sense! ils devraient avoir un peu plus de bon sens !► one's senses ( = sanity)e. ( = reasonable quality) sens m• what's the sense in (doing) that? à quoi ça rime ?f. ( = meaning) sens m• in the literal/figurative sense au sens propre/figuréa. ( = become aware of) sentir (intuitivement) ; [+ trouble] pressentirb. [machine, sensor device] détecter* * *[sens] 1.1) (faculty, ability) sens msense of hearing — ouïe f
sense of sight — vue f
sense of smell — odorat m
sense of taste — goût m
to dull/sharpen the senses — émousser/aiguiser les sens
2) ( feeling)3) ( practical quality) bon sens m4) ( reason)to make sense — [sentence, film, theory] avoir un sens
5) ( meaning) gen, Linguistics sens m2.he is in a ou one ou some sense right to complain, but... — dans un certain sens il a raison de se plaindre, mais...
3.to take leave of one's senses — perdre la raison or l'esprit m
transitive verb1) ( be aware of) deviner ( that que)2) [machine] détecter••to knock ou pound US some sense into somebody — ramener quelqu'un à la raison
2 sense
sense [sens]sens ⇒ 1 (a), 1 (c), 1 (e), 1 (f) sensation ⇒ 1 (b) sentiment ⇒ 1 (b) notion ⇒ 1 (c) bon sens ⇒ 1 (d) sentir ⇒ 2 (a) raison ⇒ 31 noun∎ the five senses les cinq sens mpl;∎ to have a keen sense of smell/hearing avoir l'odorat fin/l'ouïe fine;∎ she seemed to have a sixth sense elle semblait posséder un sixième sens;∎ to be in possession of all one's senses jouir de toutes ses facultés;∎ to excite the senses exciter les sens∎ a sense of pleasure/warmth une sensation de plaisir/chaleur;∎ I felt a certain sense of pleasure j'ai ressenti un certain plaisir;∎ a sense of achievement/injustice un sentiment d'accomplissement/d'injustice;∎ to have a sense of belonging avoir le sentiment d'être intégré;∎ I felt a sense of shame je me suis senti honteux;∎ children need a sense of security les enfants ont besoin de se sentir en sécurité;∎ there's a new sense of foreboding in her writing ses écrits sont maintenant empreints d'un sentiment d'angoisse devant l'avenir∎ she seems to have lost all sense of reality elle semble avoir perdu le sens des réalités;∎ I lost all sense of time j'ai perdu toute notion de l'heure;∎ to have a (good) sense of direction avoir le sens de l'orientation;∎ figurative she lost her sense of direction when her husband died elle s'est sentie complètement désorientée après la mort de son mari;∎ he has a good sense of humour il a le sens de l'humour;∎ I try to teach them a sense of right and wrong j'essaie de leur inculquer la notion du bien et du mal;∎ she acted out of a sense of duty/of responsibility elle a agi par sens du devoir/des responsabilités;∎ they have no business sense at all ils n'ont aucun sens des affaires;∎ he has an overdeveloped sense of his own importance il est trop imbu de lui-même(d) (practical wisdom) bon sens m;∎ to show good sense faire preuve de bon sens;∎ there's a lot of sense in what she says il y beaucoup de bon sens dans ce qu'elle dit, ce qu'elle dit est tout à fait sensé;∎ to have the (good) sense to do sth avoir l'intelligence ou le bon sens de faire qch;∎ to have more sense than to do sth avoir assez de bon sens pour ne pas faire qch;∎ they didn't even have enough sense to telephone ils n'ont même pas eu l'idée de téléphoner(e) (reason, rational quality) sens m;∎ there's no sense in all of us going cela ne rime à rien d'y aller tous;∎ I can't see any sense or the sense in continuing this discussion je ne vois pas l'intérêt de continuer cette discussion;∎ to see sense entendre raison;∎ to talk sense dire des choses sensées;∎ oh, come on, talk sense! voyons, ne dis pas n'importe quoi!;∎ can you make (any) sense of this message? est-ce que vous arrivez à comprendre ce message?;∎ it makes no sense ça n'a pas de sens;∎ it makes/doesn't make sense to wait c'est une bonne idée/idiot d'attendre;∎ it makes more sense to do this first c'est plus logique de commencer par cela;∎ that makes good sense c'est logique, c'est une bonne idée;∎ it makes good political/business sense to… il est bon sur le plan politique/commercial de…∎ don't take what I say in its literal sense ne prenez pas ce que je dis au sens propre ou au pied de la lettre;∎ in every sense of the word dans tous les sens du terme;∎ in the normal sense (of the word) à proprement parler;∎ I got the general sense j'ai saisi le sens général;∎ I think we have, in a very real sense, grasped the problem je crois que nous avons parfaitement saisi le problème;∎ this is not in any real sense a change of policy ça ne représente pas du tout un changement de politique;∎ in a sense dans un sens;∎ in no sense en aucune manière;∎ in more senses than one dans tous les sens;∎ in the sense that… en ce sens que…, dans le sens où…∎ I sensed something was wrong j'ai senti que quelque chose n'allait pas;∎ I sensed as much c'est bien l'impression ou le sentiment que j'avais;∎ I sensed her meaning j'ai compris ce qu'elle voulait dire(sanity, reason) raison f;∎ to come to one's senses (become conscious) reprendre connaissance; (be reasonable) revenir à la raison;∎ to take leave of one's senses perdre la raison ou la tête;∎ to bring sb to his/her senses ramener qn à la raison►► sense organ organe m sensoriel ou des sens -
3 ♦ sense
♦ sense /sɛns/n.1 senso: the five senses, i cinque sensi; the sense of hearing [of sight], il senso dell'udito [della vista]2 sensazione; impressione; senso; sentimento: a sense of helplessness, una sensazione di impotenza; a sense of shame, un senso di vergogna3 consapevolezza; capacità di riconoscere qc.; senso: a sense of what is right, il saper riconoscere ciò che è giusto; a sense of timing, la capacità di cogliere il momento giusto; tempismo; a sense of humour, il senso dell'umorismo; moral sense, senso morale; a sense of achievement, la consapevolezza di aver compiuto qualcosa di importante4 [u] (= good sense) senso; buonsenso; senso comune; criterio; discernimento; giudizio: He's a man of sense, è una persona dotata di buonsenso; What's the sense of ( o where's the sense in) talking like that?, che senso c'è a parlare così?; to talk sense, dire cose sensate; to talk sense into sb., far ragionare q.5 [uc] senso; significato: a word with several senses, una parola con vari significati; in the accepted sense, nel senso più comune del termine; broad sense, senso lato; strict sense, senso stretto; I didn't grasp the sense of his remarks, non afferrai il senso delle sue osservazioni; in the best [in the full] sense of the word, nel miglior [nel vero] senso della parola; to make sense, aver senso: This sentence doesn't make sense, questa frase non ha senso; to make sense ( out) of st., trovare un senso in, capire il senso di qc.6 [u] sentimento generale; indirizzo, orientamento, polso (fig.): the sense of the audience, l'orientamento del pubblico7 (pl.) coscienza; conoscenza: to bring sb. to his senses, far tornare in sé q.; far rinsavire q.; to be out of one's senses, essere fuori di sé; esser matto; to take leave of one's senses, uscire di senno; ammattire; to lose one's senses, perdere conoscenza; to come to one's senses, riprendere conoscenza; riaversi; ( anche) rinsavire, tornare in sé8 (pl.) facoltà mentali: to be in one's right senses, essere nel pieno possesso delle proprie facoltà mentali● (filos.) sense datum, dato sensoriale □ sense of occasion, sentimento di solennità; aria di festa ( percezione che qualcosa di speciale sta accadendo) □ (fisiol.) sense organ, organo sensorio □ sense perception, percezione sensoria □ common sense, buonsenso □ to frighten sb. out of his senses, terrorizzare, spaventare a morte q. □ in a sense, in un certo senso □ (fam.) not to have enough sense to come in out of the rain, non avere un briciolo di buon senso.(to) sense /sɛns/v. t.1 sentire; accorgersi di; percepire; intuire; avvertire: I sensed that he was hiding something, sentii che mi nascondeva qualcosa; I sensed his hostility, avvertivo la sua ostilità -
4 sense
A n1 ( faculty) sens m ; sense of hearing ouïe f ; sense of sight vue f ; sense of smell odorat m ; sense of taste goût m ; sense of touch toucher m ; to dull/sharpen the senses émousser/aiguiser les sens ;2 fig ( ability to appreciate) a sense of le sens de ; a sense of direction/of rhythm le sens de l'orientation/du rythme ; a writer with a sense of history/the absurd un écrivain doué du sens de l'histoire/l'absurde ; to have no sense of style/decency n'avoir aucun style/aucune notion de la décence ; to lose all sense of time perdre toute notion du temps ;3 ( feeling) a sense of un sentiment de [guilt, security, failure, identity] ; his sense of having failed/being excluded son sentiment d' avoir échoué/d'être exclu ; he had the sense that something was wrong/that he had forgotten something il avait le sentiment que quelque chose n'allait pas/d'avoir oublié quelque chose ; a sense of purpose le sentiment d'avoir un but ; the town has a great sense of community la ville a un grand sens de la communauté ;4 ( practical quality) bon sens m ; to have the (good) sense to do avoir le bon sens de faire ; to have more sense than to do avoir suffisamment de bon sens pour ne pas faire ;5 ( reason) there's no sense in doing cela ne sert à rien de faire ; what's the sense in getting angry/leaving now? à quoi sert de se fâcher/partir maintenant? ; to make sense of sth comprendre qch ; I can't make sense of this article/this sentence je ne comprends rien à cet article/cette phrase ; it makes sense to do c'est une bonne idée de faire ; it makes good business sense to employ an accountant ce serait profitable d'employer un comptable ; to make sense [sentence, film, theory] avoir un sens ; not to make any sense [sentence, film, theory] n'avoir aucun sens ; what he said didn't make much sense to me ce qu'il a dit ne m'a pas semblé très logique ;6 ( meaning) gen, Ling sens m ; in the literal/strict sense (of the word) au sens littéral/strict (du mot) ; in all senses ou in every sense of the word dans tous les sens du mot ; in the sense that en ce sens que ; he is in a ou one ou some sense right to complain, but… dans un certain sens il a raison de se plaindre, mais… ; they are in no sense democratic ils ne sont en aucune manière démocratiques ;B senses npl ( sanity) raison f ; to bring sb to his senses ramener qn à la raison ; to come to one's senses revenir à la raison ; to take leave of one's senses perdre la raison or l'esprit.C vtr1 ( be aware of) deviner (that que) ; he sensed her uneasiness/her anger/her sorrow il devinait son malaise/sa colère/son chagrin ; to sense where/how etc deviner où/comment etc ; to sense danger/hostility sentir un danger/de l'hostilité ; to sense sb ou sb's presence sentir la présence de qn ;to knock ou hammer ou pound US some sense into sb ramener qn à la raison ; to see sense entendre raison ; to talk sense dire des choses sensées. -
5 sense
sense [sens]1. n1) чу́вство; ощуще́ние;the five senses пять чувств
;sixth sense шесто́е чу́вство, интуи́ция
;to have keen ( или quick) senses о́стро чу́вствовать, ощуща́ть
;a sense of duty чу́вство до́лга
;a sense of humour чу́вство ю́мора
;a sense of proportion чу́вство ме́ры
2) здра́вый смысл (тж. common sense, good sense); ум;a man of sense разу́мный челове́к
;to talk sense говори́ть де́льно, разу́мно
;he is talking sense он де́ло говори́т
3) смысл, значе́ние;it makes no sense в э́том нет смы́сла
;in the strict(est) ( или true) sense of the word в (са́мом) то́чном значе́нии сло́ва
;in a good sense в хоро́шем смы́сле (сло́ва)
;in a literal sense в буква́льном смы́сле сло́ва
;in a sense в изве́стном смы́сле, до изве́стной сте́пени
;in all senses во всех смы́слах, во всех отноше́ниях
;in no sense ни в како́м отноше́нии
4) о́бщее настрое́ние;to take the senses of the meeting определи́ть настрое́ние собра́ния посре́дством голосова́ния
5) pl созна́ние; ра́зум;in one's senses в своём уме́
;have you taken leave ( или are you out) of your senses? с ума́ вы сошли́?
;а) прийти́ в себя́;б) взя́ться за ум;to frighten ( или to scare) smb. out of his senses напуга́ть кого́-л. до поте́ри созна́ния
2. v1) ощуща́ть, чу́вствовать2) понима́ть -
6 sense
sense чувствоsense of smell чутьёcolor sense цветовое чувствоgenesic sense инстинкт размноженияmotion sense чувство движенияmuscular sense мышечное чувствоposture sense чувство положенияreproductive sense инстинкт размноженияspace sense чувство пространстваstereognostic sense стереогностическое чувствоtactile sense чувство осязанияtime sense чувство времениEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > sense
7 sense
sense I v (ab)fühlen, abtasten; erfassen; lesen; erkennen sense II 1. Sinn m, Richtungssinn m; 2. FO Peilseite fEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > sense
8 sense
sense, feeling, sensationчувство, ощущение————————sense, feelчувствовать, ощущать -
9 sense
sense vфиксировать отклонение(от курса) sense antennaненаправленная антенна -
10 sense
11 sense
12 Sense
Sense, feeling, sensationЧувство, ощущение -
13 sense
1. noun1) (faculty of perception) Sinn, dersense of smell/touch/taste — Geruchs-/Tast-/Geschmackssinn, der
have taken leave of one's senses — den Verstand verloren haben
bring somebody to his senses — jemanden zur Vernunft od. Besinnung bringen
3) (consciousness) Gefühl, dassense of responsibility/guilt — Verantwortungs-/Schuldgefühl, das
out of a sense of duty — aus Pflichtgefühl
4) (practical wisdom) Verstand, derthere's a lot of sense in what he's saying — was er sagt, klingt sehr vernünftig
have the sense to do something — so vernünftig sein, etwas zu tun
what is the sense of or in doing that? — was hat man davon od. wozu soll es gut sein, das zu tun?
now you are talking sense — jetzt wirst du vernünftig
make somebody see sense — jemanden zur Vernunft bringen; see also academic.ru/14644/common_sense">common sense; good I 1.
in the strict or literal sense — im strengen od. wörtlichen Sinn
in every sense [of the word] — in jeder Hinsicht
it does not make sense to do that — es ist Unsinn od. unvernünftig, das zu tun
2. transitive verbit makes [a lot of] sense — (is [very] reasonable) es ist [sehr] sinnvoll
spüren; [Tier:] wittern* * *[sens] 1. noun1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) der Sinn2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) das Gefühl3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) der Sinn4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) der Verstand5) (a meaning (of a word).) der Sinn6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) der Sinn2. verb(to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) fühlen- senseless- senselessly
- senselessness
- senses
- sixth sense* * *[sen(t)s]I. nI hope they'll have the [good] \sense to shut the windows before they leave ich hoffe, sie sind so klug, die Fenster zu schließen, bevor sie gehento make [good] \sense sinnvoll seinplanning so far ahead makes no \sense es hat keinen Sinn, so weit im Voraus zu planento see the \sense in sth den Sinn in etw dat sehento talk \sense sich akk verständlich ausdrückenthere's no \sense in doing sth es hat keinen Sinn, etw zu tunthere's no \sense in waiting es ist zwecklos zu warten2. (reason)▪ one's \senses pl jds gesunder Menschenverstandit's time you came to your \senses es wird Zeit, dass du zur Vernunft kommstto bring sb to their \senses jdn zur Vernunft bringento take leave of one's \senses den Verstand verlieren\sense of hearing Gehör nt\sense of sight Sehvermögen nt\sense of smell/taste/touch Geruchs-/Geschmacks-/Tastsinn mthe five \senses die fünf Sinnesixth \sense sechster Sinndid you get any \sense of how they might react? kannst du dir irgendwie denken, wie sie reagieren werden?▪ to have a \sense that... das Gefühl haben, dass...I had a sudden \sense that I was needed at home ich spürte auf einmal, dass ich zu Hause gebraucht wurde\sense of beauty Schönheitssinn m\sense of belonging Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl nt\sense of direction Orientierungssinn m\sense of duty Pflichtgefühl nt\sense of justice/reality Gerechtigkeits-/Realitätssinn ma \sense of security ein Gefühl nt der Sicherheita \sense of social responsibility ein Gefühl nt für soziale Verantwortung\sense of time Zeitgefühl ntthe broad/narrow \sense of a word/term die weite/enge Bedeutung eines Wortes/Begriffesin the broad[est] \sense of the term im weitesten Sinne des Wortesfigurative/literal \sense übertragene/wörtliche [o ursprüngliche] Bedeutungto make \sense einen Sinn ergebenthis passage doesn't make \sense diese Passage ist unverständlichI've read the letter twice, but I can't make any \sense of it ich habe den Brief zweimal gelesen, aber ich kann mir keinen Reim darauf machenin a \sense in gewisser Weisewe are in no \sense obliged to agree to this wir sind in keiner Weise verpflichtet, dem zuzustimmenin every \sense in jeder Hinsicht7. (aptitude)to have a \sense of fun Spaß verstehen könnenit was just a joke — where's your \sense of fun? das war doch nur ein Scherz — verstehst du keinen Spaß?to have a \sense of humour Sinn für Humor haben8. (direction)II. vt▪ to \sense sb/sth jdn/etw wahrnehmen▪ to \sense that... spüren, dass...he \sensed that his guests were bored er spürte, dass seine Gäste sich langweiltencould you \sense what was likely to happen? hattest du eine Ahnung von dem, was passieren konnte?to \sense sb's anger jds Wut spürento \sense danger Gefahr wittern* * *[sens]1. n1) (bodily) Sinn msense of hearing — Gehörsinn m, Gehör nt
2) pl (= right mind) Verstand mno man in his senses... — kein einigermaßen vernünftiger Mensch...
to frighten sb out of his senses —
his senses were deranged by... — er war durch... völlig verstört
to come to one's senses — zur Vernunft or Besinnung kommen, Vernunft annehmen
3) (= feeling) Gefühl nta sense of occasion — das Gefühl, dass etwas Besonderes stattfindet
4) (= instinct, appreciation) Sinn mhis sense for what is appropriate — sein Gefühl nt or Gespür nt dafür, was angebracht ist
/justice — Farben-/Gerechtigkeitssinn m
5)haven't you sense enough or enough sense to stop when you're tired? — bist du nicht vernünftig genug aufzuhören, wenn du müde bist?
he had the (good) sense to... — er war so vernünftig or klug or gescheit und...
you should have had more sense than to... — du hättest vernünftiger sein sollen und nicht...
there is no sense in that — das hat keinen Sinn, es ist zwecklos
there's a lot of sense in that — das hat Hand und Fuß, das ist ganz vernünftig
what's the sense of or in doing this? — welchen Sinn hat es denn, das zu tun?
there is no sense in doing that — es ist zwecklos or sinnlos, das zu tun
there's some sense in what he says — was er sagt, ist ganz vernünftig
there's some sense in doing that — es wäre ganz vernünftig, das zu tun
6)it doesn't make sense doing it that way/spending or to spend all that money —
why did he decide that? – I don't know, it doesn't make sense — warum hat er das beschlossen? – ich weiß es nicht, es ist mir unverständlich or es macht keinen Sinn
it makes good financial/political sense to... — aus finanzieller/politischer Sicht gesehen ist es sehr vernünftig, zu...
he/his theory doesn't make sense — er/seine Theorie ist völlig unverständlich
it all makes sense now —
it doesn't make sense, the jewels were there a minute ago — das ist ganz unverständlich, die Juwelen waren doch eben noch da
to make sense of sth — etw verstehen, aus etw schlau werden (inf)
you're not making sense (in explaining sth, in plans, intentions etc) — das ist doch Unsinn; (in behaviour, attitude) ich werde aus Ihnen nicht schlau (inf)
now you're making sense (in explaining sth) — jetzt verstehe ich, was Sie meinen; (in plans, intentions etc) das ist endlich eine vernünftige Idee
7) (= meaning) Sinn m no plit has three distinct senses —
in what sense are you using the word? — in welchem Sinn or welcher Bedeutung gebrauchen Sie das Wort?
8)(= way, respect)
in a sense — in gewisser Hinsicht, gewissermaßenin what sense? —
in one sense what he claims is true — in gewisser Hinsicht hat er mit seiner Behauptung recht
2. vtfühlen, spürenI could sense someone there in the dark — ich fühlte or spürte, dass da jemand in der Dunkelheit war
* * *sense [sens]A s1. Sinn m, Sinnesorgan n:sense of hearing (sight, smell, taste, touch) Gehör-(Gesichts-, Geruchs-, Geschmacks-, Tast)sinn;2. pl Sinne pl, (klarer) Verstand:in (out of) one’s senses bei (von) Sinnen;bring sb to their senses jemanden wieder zur Besinnung bringen;3. fig Vernunft f, Verstand m:a man of sense ein vernünftiger oder kluger Mensch;have the sense to do sth so klug sein, etwas zu tun;4. Sinne pl, Empfindungsvermögen n5. Gefühl n:a) Empfindung f (of für):sense of achievement Erfolgserlebnis n;sense of pain Schmerzgefühl;b) Ahnung f, unbestimmtes Gefühlof für):sense of balance Gleichgewichtssinn, -empfinden n, -gefühl;sense of beauty Schönheitssinn;sense of duty Pflichtbewusstsein n, -gefühl;a keen sense of justice ein ausgeprägter Gerechtigkeitssinn;sense of responsibility Verantwortungsgefühl, -bewusstsein n;sense of shame Schamgefühl;sense of time Zeitgefühl; → belonging 1, direction 1, honor B 1, humor A 4, locality 1 a, mission 5, pitch2 C 8, purpose B 4, self-worth7. Sinn m, Bedeutung f:in every sense in jeder Hinsicht;in a sense in gewissem Sinne;in the good and in the bad sense im guten wie im bösen oder schlechten Sinn8. Sinn m, (etwas) Vernünftiges:what is the sense of doing this? was hat es für einen Sinn, das zu tun?;is there a sense in which …? könnte man vielleicht sagen, dass …?;it makes sense es macht Sinn, es hat Hand und Fuß, es klingt plausibel;it does not make sense es hat oder macht keinen Sinn;I could make no sense of it ich konnte mir darauf keinen Reim machen;talk sense vernünftig redentake the sense of the meeting die Meinung der Versammlung einholen10. MATH Richtung f:sense of rotation Drehsinn mB v/t1. empfinden, fühlen, spüren, ahnen2. ITa) abtastenb) abfragen3. besonders US umg kapieren* * *1. noun1) (faculty of perception) Sinn, dersense of smell/touch/taste — Geruchs-/Tast-/Geschmackssinn, der
bring somebody to his senses — jemanden zur Vernunft od. Besinnung bringen
3) (consciousness) Gefühl, dassense of responsibility/guilt — Verantwortungs-/Schuldgefühl, das
4) (practical wisdom) Verstand, derthere's a lot of sense in what he's saying — was er sagt, klingt sehr vernünftig
have the sense to do something — so vernünftig sein, etwas zu tun
what is the sense of or in doing that? — was hat man davon od. wozu soll es gut sein, das zu tun?
make somebody see sense — jemanden zur Vernunft bringen; see also common sense; good I 1.
in the strict or literal sense — im strengen od. wörtlichen Sinn
in every sense [of the word] — in jeder Hinsicht
in a or one sense — in gewisser Hinsicht od. Weise
it does not make sense to do that — es ist Unsinn od. unvernünftig, das zu tun
2. transitive verbit makes [a lot of] sense — (is [very] reasonable) es ist [sehr] sinnvoll
spüren; [Tier:] wittern* * *n.Empfindung f.Gefühl -e n.Sinn -e m.Verstand -¨e m.Wahrnehmung f. v.abfühlen v.abtasten v.empfinden v.fühlen v.wahrnehmen v. -
14 sense
1. noun1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) sentido2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) sensación, sentido3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) sentido4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) sentido común, juicio, sensatez5) (a meaning (of a word).) significado6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) sentido
2. verb(to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) sentir, percibir- senselessly
- senselessness
- senses
- sixth sense
sense1 n1. sentidothe five senses are: hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell los cinco sentidos son: el oído, la vista, el gusto, el tacto y el olfato2. sentido común / juicio / sensatezdon't be stupid, use your common sense no seas estúpido, usa tu sentido comúnsense2 vb notar / sentir / darse cuentatr[sens]1 (faculty) sentido2 (feeling - of well-being, loss) sensación nombre femenino; (awareness, appreciation - of justice, duty) sentido3 (wisdom, judgement) sentido común, juicio, sensatez nombre femenino, tino4 (reason, purpose) sentido■ what's the sense in driving there? ¿qué sentido tiene conducir hasta allí?■ there's no sense in crying ¿de qué sirve llorar?1 (feel, perceive) sentir, percibir, presentir, intuir; (apprehend, detect) percibir, darse cuenta de2 (machine) detectar1 (normal state of mind) juicio m sing\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLin a sense hasta cierto punto, en cierto sentidoin no sense de ninguna manerato be out of one's senses no estar en sus cabalesto bring somebody to their senses hacer a alguien entrar en razónto come to one's senses recobrar el juicioto have a sense of occasion tener sentido de la ocasiónto make sense out of something entender algoto see sense entrar en razónto take leave of one's senses perder el juicioto talk sense hablar con juiciosense organ órgano del sentidohe sensed danger: se dio cuenta del peligrosense n1) meaning: sentido m, significado m2) : sentido mthe sense of smell: el sentido del olfato3)to make sense : tener sentidoadj.• sensitivo, -a adj.n.• juicio s.m.• mollera s.f.• opinión s.f.• sensación s.f.• sentido s.m.• testa s.f.v.• detectar (Teléfono) v.• percibir v.• sentir v.• sospechar v.
I sens1)a) c ( physical faculty) sentido mthe sense of hearing/smell/taste/touch — el (sentido del) oído/olfato/gusto/tacto
b) senses pl ( rational state)no one in his (right) senses would do something like that — una persona en su (sano) juicio or en sus cabales no haría una cosa así
to take leave of one's senses — perder* el juicio, volverse* loco
2)a) ( impression) (no pl) sensación fI felt a sense of belonging/betrayal — me sentí aceptadoaicionado
b) c u ( awareness) sentido msense of direction/rhythm — sentido de la orientación/del ritmo
sense of humor — sentido m del humor
3) ua) ( common sense) sentido m comúnshe had the (good) sense to leave her phone number — tuvo la sensatez or el tino de dejar su número de teléfono
I'm going to knock o beat some sense into him! — voy a hacerlo entrar en razón
b) (point, value) sentido m4) ca) ( meaning) sentido m, significado mthe different senses of the word — las distintas acepciones or los distintos significados de la palabra
he is a professional in the full sense (of the term) — es un profesional en toda la extensión de la palabra
b) (aspect, way)in a sense they're both correct — en cierto modo or sentido ambos tienen razón
it must in no sense be taken as the final offer — no debe de ningún modo or de ninguna manera interpretarse como la oferta final
a) ( be comprehensible) tener* sentidob) ( be sensible)to make sense of something — entender* algo
a) ( be aware of) sentir*, notar[sens]I sensed that they weren't very happy — sentí or intuí que no estaban muy contentos
1. N1) (bodily) sentido msense of hearing/smell/taste/touch — sentido m del oído/olfato/gusto/tacto
sense of sight — sentido m de la vista
sixth sense — sexto sentido2) (=feeling) sensación f•
have you no sense of shame? — ¿es que no tienes vergüenza?•
there is a sense of space in his paintings — sus cuadros transmiten una sensación de espacio3) (=good judgement) sentido m comúnshe has more sense than to go out on her own — tiene el suficiente sentido común como para no salir sola
I thought you would have had more sense — pensé que eras más sensato or tenías más sentido común
to make sb see sense — hacer que algn entre en razón•
to talk sense — hablar con sentido común, hablar con juicio4)• to make sense — (=be advisable) ser conveniente; (=be comprehensible, logical) tener sentido
it doesn't make sense or it makes no sense — no tiene sentido
to make sense of sth, I could make no sense of what he was saying — no entendía nada de lo que decía, no podía sacar nada en claro de lo que decía5) (=point, use) sentido mwhat's the sense of having another meeting? — ¿qué sentido tiene celebrar otra reunión?
6) senses (=sanity)•
I hope this warning will bring him to his senses — espero que esta advertencia le haga entrar en razón•
to come to one's senses — entrar en razón•
no-one in his right senses would do that — nadie (que esté) en su sano juicio haría eso•
have you taken leave of your senses? — ¿has perdido el juicio?it has several senses — tiene varias acepciones or varios significados
in what sense are you using the word? — ¿qué significado le das a la palabra?
in a sense — en cierto modo•
in every sense (of the word) — en todos los sentidos (de la palabra)•
in the full sense of that word — en toda la extensión de la palabra•
in no sense can it be said that... — de ninguna manera se puede decir que...•
in one sense — en cierto modo•
in the strict/ true sense of the word — en el sentido estricto/en el verdadero sentido de la palabra8) (=awareness) sentido m•
she has very good business sense — tiene muy buen ojo para los negocios•
they have an exaggerated sense of their own importance — se creen bastante más importantes de lo que son•
where's your sense of occasion? — tienes que estar a la altura de las circunstancias or la ocasión•
we must keep a sense of proportion about this — no debemos darle a esto más importancia de la que tiene•
one must have some sense of right and wrong — uno tiene que tener cierta noción de lo que está bien y lo que está mal9) (=opinion) opinión fwhat is your sense of the mood of the electorate? — ¿qué opinión le merece el clima que se respira entre el electorado?
2. VT1) (=suspect, intuit) presentirhe looked about him, sensing danger — miró a su alrededor, presintiendo peligro
2) (=be conscious of) percibir3) (=realize) darse cuenta de3.CPDsense organ N — órgano m sensorial
* * *
I [sens]1)a) c ( physical faculty) sentido mthe sense of hearing/smell/taste/touch — el (sentido del) oído/olfato/gusto/tacto
b) senses pl ( rational state)no one in his (right) senses would do something like that — una persona en su (sano) juicio or en sus cabales no haría una cosa así
to take leave of one's senses — perder* el juicio, volverse* loco
2)a) ( impression) (no pl) sensación fI felt a sense of belonging/betrayal — me sentí aceptado/traicionado
b) c u ( awareness) sentido msense of direction/rhythm — sentido de la orientación/del ritmo
sense of humor — sentido m del humor
3) ua) ( common sense) sentido m comúnshe had the (good) sense to leave her phone number — tuvo la sensatez or el tino de dejar su número de teléfono
I'm going to knock o beat some sense into him! — voy a hacerlo entrar en razón
b) (point, value) sentido m4) ca) ( meaning) sentido m, significado mthe different senses of the word — las distintas acepciones or los distintos significados de la palabra
he is a professional in the full sense (of the term) — es un profesional en toda la extensión de la palabra
b) (aspect, way)in a sense they're both correct — en cierto modo or sentido ambos tienen razón
it must in no sense be taken as the final offer — no debe de ningún modo or de ninguna manera interpretarse como la oferta final
a) ( be comprehensible) tener* sentidob) ( be sensible)to make sense of something — entender* algo
a) ( be aware of) sentir*, notarI sensed that they weren't very happy — sentí or intuí que no estaban muy contentos
15 sense
1. [sens] n1. 1) чувствоsense of hearing [of sight, of smell, of taste, of touch] - слух [зрение, обоняние, вкус, осязание]
sixth sense - шестое чувство, интуиция
inner sense - внутренний голос; внутреннее ощущение
dogs have an acute sense of smell - у собак острое обоняние /хорошее чутьё, нюх/
2) ощущение, восприятиеaesthetic sense - эстетический вкус /-ое чутьё/
a sense of colour - понимание колорита, умение подбирать цвета
to do smth. out of /from/ a sense of duty - делать что-л. из чувства долга
to lack all sense of beauty [of justice, of gratitude] - не иметь чувства прекрасного [справедливости, благодарности]
he has no stage sense - он совершенно не чувствует /не понимает законов/ сцены
2. 1) pl сознание, рассудокare you in your right senses? - ты что - рехнулся?
to be out of one's senses - разг. свихнуться, спятить, быть не в своём уме
to recover /to regain/ one's senses - прийти в себя /в сознание/
to take leave of one's senses - разг. сойти с ума, рехнуться
to be frightened out of one's senses - перепугаться до полусмерти /до обморока/; одуреть от страха
no man in his senses would have done so - так поступить мог только сумасшедший /лишённый здравого смысла/
2) разумto bring smb. to his senses - образумить кого-л.
to come to one's senses - образумиться, прийти в себя
to act against all sense - действовать /поступать/ неразумно
3) здравый смысл (тж. common sense)a man of sense - разумный /здравомыслящий/ человек
to appeal to smb.'s good /common/ sense - взывать к чьему-л. здравому смыслу
to talk sense - говорить разумно /дельно/
there is no sense in doing this - нет смысла /не стоит/ делать это
to have too much sense to do smth., to have more sense than to do smth. - быть достаточно умным, чтобы сделать что-л. /не сделать чего-л./
to make use of one's senses - разг. шевелить мозгами, думать
use a little sense! - разг. шевели мозгами!, подумай!
he had the good sense to make a wise choice - у него хватило ума /здравого смысла/ сделать правильный выбор
3. 1) значение, важность (чего-л.)to make sense - иметь смысл, быть нужным
it doesn't make sense, it makes no sense at all - это лишено всякого смысла; это вздор /чушь/
I cannot make out the sense of... - не могу понять смысла (чего-л.)
2) значениеstrict [literal] sense - точное [буквальное] значение
in the narrow [enlarged] sense of the word - в узком [в широком] значении этого слова
in a (certain) sense - в некотором смысле, до некоторой степени
in no sense - ни в каком смысле; ни в каком отношении
the marriage was in every sense happy - брак был во всех отношениях счастливым
in more senses than one - ≅ и притом во многих значениях этого слова; и притом во многих отношениях
the word has acquired an disparaging sense - это слово приобрело неодобрительный оттенок
4. общее настроение, духto take the sense of the meeting - определить настроение /мнение/ собрания (путём голосования, опроса); поставить вопрос на голосование
the sense of the conference was manifest - отношение конференции (к этому вопросу) было очевидным
5. спец. направлениеsense of rotation [of current] - направление вращения [тока]
2. [sens] v♢
deprivation of senses = sensory deprivation1. чувствовать, осознаватьI had sensed as much - я так и думал, я это предвидел
2. понимать, отдавать себе отчётshe fully sensed the danger of her position - она целиком отдавала себе отчёт в опасности своего положения
16 sense
sens 1. noun1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) sans2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) følelse3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) sans for, følelse4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) (sunn) fornuft, vett5) (a meaning (of a word).) betydning6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) noe fornuftig/meningsfullt2. verb(to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) føle, merke, sanse- senselessly
- senselessness
- senses
- sixth senseforstand--------føle--------følelse--------kjenne--------sansIsubst. \/sens\/1) sans2) følelse, sans, -sans, -følelse3) vett, forstand, (sunn) fornuft, klokskaphun er en forstandig kvinne, hun har en god porsjon sunn fornufthan burde hatt bedre vett, han burde ha visst bedre4) mening, hensikt, vits• what is the sense of staying here?5) oppfatning6) betydning, forstand• in what sense are you using the word?7) stemning, holdning, felles oppfatning8) ( matematikk) retning, pilretningbring somebody to his senses få noen til å ta til fornuft, snakke noen til fornuftcome to one's senses komme til seg selv, få tilbake bevisstheten komme til fornuftcommon sense alminnelig folkevett, sunn fornuftgo out of one's senses miste forstanden, bli galin a broader\/wider\/larger sense i videre forstandin a limited\/narrow\/restricted sense i begrenset forstandin a literal sense i bokstavelig forstandin a sense på en måte, på sett og vis, forsåvidtbe in full enjoyment\/possession of one's senses være ved sine fulle femin more senses than one i mer enn én forstandbe in one's right senses være ved sine fulle fembe in one's senses med fornuften i beholdin the proper sense i egentlig forstandin the strict sense of the word i strengeste forstandlose one's senses miste besinnelsen miste bevissthetenmake sense gi mening, være forståelig, være fornuftigdet er ubegripelig, jeg fatter det ikkebli klok på• can you make sense of what he says?moral sense evne til å skille mellom rett og galt, moralbegrep, samvittighetout of one's senses fra vettet, fra sans og samling, galhan drev meg fra sans og samling, han gjorde meg galbe out of one's senses være fra vettet• are you out of your senses?er du fra vettet?, har du mistet forstanden?recover one's senses komme til sans og samling komme til bevissthet igjensee sense ta fornuften fangen, ta til fornuft, ta til vettetsense of følelse for\/av, fornemmelse avsense of direction retningssanssense of duty pliktfølelsesense of justice ( jus) rettsbevissthet, rettsoverbevisningsense of locality stedsanssense of occasion følelse for hva som passer seg (i visse situasjoner) evne til å utnytte en situasjonsense of propriety sans for det som passer seg, anstendighetsfølelsesense of smell luktesansthe sense of touch berøringssansena sixth sense en sjette sansspeak sense to somebody snakke fornuft med noentalk sense si noe fornuftigIIverb \/sens\/1) fornemme, kjenne, merke, føle, sanse, oppfatte2) ( hverdagslig) forstå, fatte3) ( militærvesen) observere -
17 sense
I. 1. сетиво
SENSE of smell/hearing/touch обоняние/слух/осезание
pleasures of SENSE сетивни удоволствия/наслади
2. чувство, усещане, усет
SENSE of duty/humour/responsibility чувство за дълг/хумор/отговорност
SENSE of direction/locality чувство за ориентация
3. (здрав) разум, здрава преценка
man of SENSE разумен човек
to talk SENSE говоря смислено/разумно
what is the SENSE of talking like that? какъв смисъл има да се говори така
4. значение, смисъл
to make SENSE of разбирам, проумявам
his words don't make SENSE думите му ca безсмислени/неразбираеми
the decision makes SENSE решението e разумно
in a SENSE в известен смисъл
in the strict/literal/figurative/full/best SENSE в строгия/буквалния/преносния/пълния/най-добрия смисъл (на думата)
5. рl ум, разум, разсъдък
to be in one's (right) SENSEs с ума си/нормален съм
to be out of one's SENSEs луд/ненормален съм
to bring someone to his SENSEs вкарвам ума в главата на някого, вразумявам някого
to come to one's SENSEs вразумявам се, идвам на себе си
any man in his SENSEs вcеки разумен човек
to take leave of one's SENSE s полудявам, държа се неразумно/глупаво
to frighten/scare someone out of his SENSEs подлудявам някого от страх, изкарвам ума на някого
6. (общо) настроение/отношение, насока
to take the SENSE of a meeting мъча се да доловя настроението на събрание (чрез въпроси и пр.)
7. геом. посока
8. attr сетивен
SENSE organs сетивни органи
II. 1. усещам, долавям, чувствувам, предчувствувам
2. схващам, разбирам* * *{sens} n 1. сетиво; sense of smell/hearing/touch обоняние/слух/осез(2) {sens} v 1. усещам, долавям, чувствувам; предчувствувам; 2.* * *чувство; смисъл; усет; усещам; долавям;* * *1. (здрав) разум, здрава преценка 2. (общо) настроение/отношение, насока 3. any man in his senses вcеки разумен човек 4. attr сетивен 5. his words don't make sense думите му ca безсмислени/неразбираеми 6. i. сетиво 7. ii. усещам, долавям, чувствувам, предчувствувам 8. in a sense в известен смисъл 9. in the strict/literal/figurative/full/best sense в строгия/буквалния/преносния/пълния/най-добрия смисъл (на думата) 10. man of sense разумен човек 11. pleasures of sense сетивни удоволствия/наслади 12. sense of direction/locality чувство за ориентация 13. sense of duty/humour/responsibility чувство за дълг/хумор/отговорност 14. sense of smell/hearing/touch обоняние/слух/осезание 15. sense organs сетивни органи 16. the decision makes sense решението e разумно 17. to be in one's (right) senses с ума си/нормален съм 18. to be out of one's senses луд/ненормален съм 19. to bring someone to his senses вкарвам ума в главата на някого, вразумявам някого 20. to come to one's senses вразумявам се, идвам на себе си 21. to frighten/scare someone out of his senses подлудявам някого от страх, изкарвам ума на някого 22. to make sense of разбирам, проумявам 23. to take leave of one's sense s полудявам, държа се неразумно/глупаво 24. to take the sense of a meeting мъча се да доловя настроението на събрание (чрез въпроси и пр.) 25. to talk sense говоря смислено/разумно 26. what is the sense of talking like that? какъв смисъл има да се говори така 27. геом. посока 28. значение, смисъл 29. рl ум, разум, разсъдък 30. схващам, разбирам 31. чувство, усещане, усет* * *sense [sens] I. n 1. чувство; възприятие, усещане; усет; colour \sense цветоусещане; a \sense of duty ( humour, responsibility) чувство на дълг (на отговорност, за хумор); 2. сетиво; \sense of smell (hearing etc.) обоняние (слух и пр.); \sense organs сетивни органи; sixth \sense "шесто чувство"; 3. pl ум; to be in o.'s right \senses с ума си съм; to bring s.o. to his \senses вкарвам ума в главата на някого, вразумявам го; to come to o.'s \senses идвам на себе си, вразумявам се; any man in his \senses всеки разумен (нормален) човек; to frighten ( scare) s.o. out of his \senses подлудявам някого от страх, изкарвам ума на някого; 4. (здрав) разум; a man of \sense разумен човек; to talk \sense говоря смислено; 5. значение, смисъл; to make \sense of разбирам, разумявам; these words don't make \sense тези думи са неразбираеми (безсмислени); in a \sense до известна степен; 6. (общо) настроение, отношение; a \sense of occasion приповдигнато настроение; II. v 1. усещам, чувствам; предчувствам; 2. ам. схващам, разбирам. -
18 sense
I 1. [sens]1) (faculty, ability) senso m.sense of smell — olfatto, odorato
to dull, sharpen the senses — offuscare, acuire i sensi
2) (feeling) senso m., sensazione f.3) (practical quality) buonsenso m.4) (reason)to make sense — [sentence, film, theory] avere (un) senso
5) (meaning) senso m., significato m. (anche ling.)2.in a o one o some sense... — in un certo senso
to bring sb. to his senses — riportare o ridurre qcn. alla ragione
to take leave of one's senses — perdere la ragione, uscire di senno
••II [sens]to knock o pound AE some sense into sb. riportare qcn. alla ragione, far rinsavire qcn.; to see sense intendere ragione; to talk sense — parlare in modo sensato
1) (be aware of) sentire, percepire, avvertire3) inform. rilevare [ location]* * *[sens] 1. noun1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) senso2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) senso3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) senso4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) buonsenso5) (a meaning (of a word).) senso, significato6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) senso2. verb(to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) sentire- senselessly
- senselessness
- senses
- sixth sense* * *I 1. [sens]1) (faculty, ability) senso m.sense of smell — olfatto, odorato
to dull, sharpen the senses — offuscare, acuire i sensi
2) (feeling) senso m., sensazione f.3) (practical quality) buonsenso m.4) (reason)to make sense — [sentence, film, theory] avere (un) senso
5) (meaning) senso m., significato m. (anche ling.)2.in a o one o some sense... — in un certo senso
to bring sb. to his senses — riportare o ridurre qcn. alla ragione
to take leave of one's senses — perdere la ragione, uscire di senno
••II [sens]to knock o pound AE some sense into sb. riportare qcn. alla ragione, far rinsavire qcn.; to see sense intendere ragione; to talk sense — parlare in modo sensato
1) (be aware of) sentire, percepire, avvertire3) inform. rilevare [ location] -
19 sense
[sen(t)s] nI hope they'll have the [good] \sense to shut the windows before they leave ich hoffe, sie sind so klug, die Fenster zu schließen, bevor sie gehen;to make [good] \sense sinnvoll sein;planning so far ahead makes no \sense es hat keinen Sinn, so weit im Voraus zu planen;to see the \sense in sth den Sinn in etw dat sehen;to talk \sense sich akk verständlich ausdrücken;there's no \sense in doing sth es hat keinen Sinn, etw zu tun;there's no \sense in waiting es ist zwecklos zu warten2) ( reason)one's \senses pl jds gesunder Menschenverstand;it's time you came to your \senses es wird Zeit, dass du zur Vernunft kommst;to bring sb to their \senses jdn zur Vernunft bringen;to take leave of one's \senses den Verstand verlieren\sense of hearing Gehör nt;\sense of sight Sehvermögen nt;the five \senses die fünf Sinne;sixth \sense sechster Sinndid you get any \sense of how they might react? kannst du dir irgendwie denken, wie sie reagieren werden?;to have a \sense that... das Gefühl haben, dass...;I had a sudden \sense that I was needed at home ich spürte auf einmal, dass ich zu Hause gebraucht wurde;\sense of beauty Schönheitssinn m;\sense of belonging Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl nt;\sense of direction Orientierungssinn m;\sense of duty Pflichtgefühl nt;a \sense of security ein Gefühl nt der Sicherheit;a \sense of social responsibility ein Gefühl nt für soziale Verantwortung;\sense of time Zeitgefühl ntshe's pretty hot, in more \senses than one sie ist ganz schön heiß, in mehr als einer Hinsicht;in the broad[est] \sense of the term im weitesten Sinne des Wortes;to make \sense einen Sinn ergeben;this passage doesn't make \sense diese Passage ist unverständlich;I've read the letter twice, but I can't make any \sense of it ich habe den Brief zweimal gelesen, aber ich kann mir keinen Reim darauf machenin a \sense in gewisser Weise;we are in no \sense obliged to agree to this wir sind in keiner Weise verpflichtet, dem zuzustimmen;in every \sense in jeder Hinsicht7) ( aptitude)to have a \sense of fun Spaß verstehen können;it was just a joke - where's your \sense of fun? das war doch nur ein Scherz - verstehst du keinen Spaß?;to have a \sense of humour Sinn für Humor haben8) techto \sense sb/ sth jdn/etw wahrnehmen;to \sense that... spüren, dass...;he \sensed that his guests were bored er spürte, dass seine Gäste sich langweilten;could you \sense what was likely to happen? hattest du eine Ahnung von dem, was passieren konnte?;to \sense sb's anger jds Wut f spüren;to \sense danger Gefahr wittern -
20 sense
1. n чувствоsixth sense — шестое чувство, интуиция
inner sense — внутренний голос; внутреннее ощущение
a sense of fullness — чувство сытости, насыщение
2. n ощущение, восприятиеa sense of colour — понимание колорита, умение подбирать цвета
3. n сознание, рассудокare you in your right senses? — ты что — рехнулся?
4. n разум5. n здравый смысл6. n значение, важностьto make sense — иметь смысл, быть нужным
7. n общее настроение, духto take the sense of the meeting — определить настроение собрания ; поставить вопрос на голосование
8. n спец. направление9. v чувствовать, осознавать10. v понимать, отдавать себе отчётshe fully sensed the danger of her position — она целиком отдавала себе отчёт в опасности своего положения
Синонимический ряд:1. common sense (noun) common sense; good sense; gumption; horse sense; judgement; judgment; wisdom2. feeling (noun) estimation; faculty; feeling; function; idea; impression; notion; opinion; sensation; sensibility; sensitivity; sentiment; thought3. meaning (noun) acceptation; connotation; denotation; import; intendment; intent; meaning; message; purport; significance; significancy; signification; sum and substance; value4. mind (noun) lucidity; mind; saneness; sanity; senses; soundness5. reason (noun) brain; brainpower; brains; cleverness; intellect; intelligence; knowledge; logic; mentality; mother wit; rationale; rationality; reason; reasoning; wit6. substance (noun) amount; body; burden; core; crux; gist; kernel; matter; meat; nub; nubbin; pith; short; strength; substance; sum total; thrust; upshot7. understanding (noun) awareness; discernment; discretion; insight; perception; realization; reasonableness; recognition; understanding8. feel (verb) believe; consider; credit; deem; feel; hold; intuit; think9. recognise (verb) apperceive; appreciate; detect; discern; perceive; recognise; recognize
См. также в других словарях:
Sense — Sense … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Sense — Sense, n. [L. sensus, from sentire, sensum, to perceive, to feel, from the same root as E. send; cf. OHG. sin sense, mind, sinnan to go, to journey, G. sinnen to meditate, to think: cf. F. sens. For the change of meaning cf. {See}, v. t. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sensé — sensé, ée [ sɑ̃se ] adj. • 1580; de 1. sens ♦ Qui a du bon sens. ⇒ raisonnable, sage. « Aucun homme sensé n aura l idée saugrenue [...] » (Bernanos). ♢ (Choses ) Conforme à la raison. ⇒ judicieux, rationnel. « Observations justes et sensées »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
sense — n 1 *sensation, feeling, sensibility Analogous words: awareness, consciousness, cognizance (see corresponding adjectives at AWARE): perception, *discernment, discrimination, penetration 2 Sense, common sense, good sense, horse sense, gumption,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Sense — steht für: Geräte Sense (Werkzeug), ein bäuerliches Werkzeug Kriegssense, eine mittelalterliche Waffe Geografisches Sense (Fluss), ein Fluss in der Schweiz Sensebezirk, ein Bezirk im Kanton Freiburg, Schweiz die Leserichtung einer viralen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sense — [sens] n. [Fr sens < L sensus < sentire, to feel, perceive: see SEND1] 1. the ability of the nerves and the brain to receive and react to stimuli, as light, sound, impact, constriction, etc.; specif., any of five faculties of receiving… … English World dictionary
Sense — Sense, ein Handgerät zum Mähen, besteht aus dem Sensenblatt und dem Stiel. Der Winkel (die Oeffnung), den der mit Handgriffen versehene Stiel gegenüber dem Blatt bildet, kann verstellt werden, um den Schnitt der Sense der Größe und… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
sense — ► NOUN 1) any of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, by which the body perceives an external stimulus. 2) a feeling that something is the case. 3) (sense of) awareness or appreciation of or sensitivity to: a sense of… … English terms dictionary
sense — [n1] feeling of animate being faculty, feel, function, hearing, impression, kinesthesia, sensation, sensibility, sensitivity, sight, smell, taste, touch; concept 405 sense [n2] awareness, perception ability, appreciation, atmosphere, aura, brains … New thesaurus
sensé — Sensé, [sens]ée. adj. Qui a bon sens, qui a de la raison, du jugement. C est un homme sensé, une personne bien sensée. Il signifie aussi, Qui est fait conformement à la raison, au bon sens. Un discours sensé. une response bien sensée. il a fait… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Sense Tu — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Sense Tu (Traducción al español: Sin Ti ) fue la canción andorrana en el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2006. Interpretada en catalán por Jenny, la canción tuvo que calificar desde la semifinal debido a que… … Wikipedia Español